Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chol Hamoed - Day 1

(click on picture above for all the pics from that day)

Today we went to the Israel Air force Museum where we had a great time. It was so for two reasons.
  1. We met up with two other families that made aliyah this summer with us from Passaic, and from our Shul - Ahavas Israel.
  2. They had some really amazing air crafts there.
The air crafts ranged from a number of "stolen" airplanes, that consisted of some Syrian or Russian Jew, who happened to have been a pilot in their respective armies, and promptly defected - with their airplane - to Israel. As well as a number of airplanes that were smuggled into Israel, to get past the British.

My thought after seeing those planes, was that the museum is in a way a great proof for anyway who wants to claim the illegitimacy of the state - everything was stolen to create the state!

My friend Oren, brought one of the signs to my attention, that showed how ga'avadik the Air Force is. They had a sign on one of the anti-aircraft guns that were once upon a time belonging to Russia (probably by way of Syria), and they mentioned how good of a weapon it was, but then made sure to point out, they they never had to use it, as they air force didn't let any enemy planes through!

Regardless, walking through the museum was great, it was all outside, where the weather was nice, amazing airplanes to look at, and even a large number of anti-aircraft weapons - which they even had a Patriot!

Very cool. I would definitely suggest this trip to anyone who has a boys - or if your wife likes to look at fighter planes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really great day!