Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Close of the Yom Tov Season

It's that time of year again, when the sukkas start to come down, and the nights get longer.

Just reflecting on Yom Tov for a bit, It was great being here. I won't say I got any particular high, or felt that something special of being Here. I could chalk it up to the fact that I've been bogged down with everything that I didn't have a chance to really feel "It".

To top that off, I even had the guilty feeling of anticipating Yom Tov being over. Though that feeling was more in line with wanting to get back to a normal routine. Get back to my learning in the morning, family time in the afternoon, and work in the evening.

I want my routine back!

But really, I don't feel that guilty about it. Despite not getting a particular high out of my first Yom Tov being here, I did have a great time. We spent a lot of quality family time, and Yom Tov was really great. And the only reason I really have any anticipation of this coming Thursday (read back to my schedule), is just so I can get back to my regular routine, and not a despisal of Yom Tov.

So, here's looking to growth and stability!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Eric,
It is so good to hear from you. Yes, I finally have my computer back and I would really appreciate it (since I am 1 of the 2 readership) if we could go back to talking and seeing each other on the webcam again. I do miss you all so much!
It is amazing how you adjusted so well, after having something ingrained in you for all your life. I personally enjoy the 2 days of Yom Tov, hear in galut, only because for us, it is an extra day to relax and enjoy. We have such a beautiful Succah and to sit in it for one more day (Thank you Hashem for giving us such beautfiful weather) and enjoying what little family I have left here, it was so nice. (Not too much guilt - but we really missed you and spending Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah with all of you. I missed watching the boys dance and be thrown up in the air (at least I didn't have a million heart failures!). Anyway, I'm so happy you enjoyed your vacation and got to spend some time with your friends. I recognize Perri - who is the other couple?
Speak to you soon.

Eliezer said...

The other couple is the Eliwatts (the other Passaic couple)

And Ma, you are more than welcome to come here for next Succos - you can sit in the succah for an extra day if you like, and you can even keep that extra day of yom tov to relax with!