Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yom Tov Sheini

Today was kind of weird at first, though I was a bit surprised at how well I adjusted to the new Yom Tov schedule.

As being an oleh chadash, one of the benefits which I don't think they mentioned in any of the NBN meetings or through our Aliyah Shaliach, was the one day of Yom Tov. Now I know we were here for Shavuos, but we don't really count that, as we had only arrived 10 days before that, and TC was born that night, so it was a bit of a whirlwind, felt more like a regular Shabbos.

So now, Succos was the first Yom Tov we really actualized the One day of Yom Tov. Now as I mentioned above I thought it was going to be weird. As I'm sure you can agree, I've been keeping two days for 31 years now (I guess including the years I didn't even realize). It's something that has always been ingrained with me growing - there are always two days.

But not anymore! I was amazed at how easy it was to just change like this. It was nice having only one day of Yom Tov to get ready for. On Motzei Y"T I was able to get start cleaning up. The house was more in order, it was just nice.

Oh yeah, and we have one more day of Chol Hamoed too!

Ahhh, just one day.

Oh, and I so badly wanted to call my parents at what would be during their seudah (2nd day of course) and leave a message along of the lines of "Hi Mom & Dad! Just thought I'd wish you a good moed - oops, that's right it's still Yom Tov for you!"

-I didn't, as I figured we are still a bit too close to Yom Kippur for me to mess up with Kibud Av v'Eim already!


Neal Bauer said...

You're lucky Mommy's computer is messed up so she can't read that! Oh, & two days are better, thats two more days off from school... though as I sit here & do some catching up... errr... gut moed!

Eliezer said...

Ha ha! School for me is thing of the past.

I just hae to deal with school for the kids who for their benefit get off for Isru Chag. It's the Israeli way of saying, we feel bad for all of the chutzniks for having a second day of Yom Tov, so we're just not going to say tachnun!