Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Elections: What is going on here?!?!

Ok, now I figured that electioneering would be a bit different here that in the alter heim, however I never thought it would be quite like this.

We're here in the house getting the kids out of the shower an into bed, when we hear this music start playing. Sarah first asks me not to play the music until the children are in bed. I'm wondering who is blaring their music outside.

Then it starts getting louder, and the horns start going - no not those horns, the car horns! And not just one or tow, but a whole lot.

Then I hear Shweky singing real loud, and see something out of my office window.

Sarah called back to me that she sees some letters on the cars ayin daled . And I think that's strange, those are the letters of this new party in town call Tov.

The singing is getting louder.

The first cars I see coming up Refaim have tons of lights on them, which makes me first thing it's a hachnosos sefer Torah, but it's a recorded Shweky singing.

That can't be.

I then see the rest of this whole procession of cars, and they are bearing the letters ayin daled on then and "Yehi Tov" posters, and balloons. While all of the cars are beeping and honking their horns.

I'm thinking where in the world am I?!?! Is this how they plan on getting my vote? I know there is the whole adage of and press is good press, but c'mon!

Now I just have two conflicting emotions:
I am scared - there are still another 6 parties or so.
And why didn't they invite me!

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