Monday, November 3, 2008

The Night sounds of RBS

I've been meaning to put up a post about the night wildlife in the area, and how close it is to us. Between seeing a couple of praying mantis' on my windows to the sounds of the jackal or wolves, or whatever they are in the hills outside my window.

Instead, for the past couple of days, perhaps weeks, it's not wolves, jackals or crickets, I hear. But rather it is the incessant flyovers done by the the army. Between the fighter jets that fly overhead (I think about 7 flew over the in the span of about 5-10 minutes (and not flying together either), to the helicopters flying really close by.

I know I was told there is an army base nearby, though when you have s country this size, everything is nearby. However, Sarah keeps getting the feeling that something is happening.

And I'm starting to get that feeling too. Whether it's a buildup, or just plain maneuvers, it seems that something is going on.

If anyone out there is privy to some insider information, please let me know!


Rafi G. said...

I noticed it too, but have no inside information...

Anonymous said...

I don't like the sound of what I am hearing. Please, all of you, (Rafi, whomever you are, this applies to you too,) please be safe.
Miss you all.

Eliezer said...

Ma, it's not that bad, just b/c a few dozen planes fly over every hour or so...

Don't worry, things are pretty safe here :o) (see my upcoming post)