Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Election Roundup

Wow, I am so happy that the elections here are over! I don't even know who won yet, and frankly, I couldn't care that much. You know why? B/c of the following reasons:
  1. No more Moshe Abutbol songs
  2. My kids not singing the Moshe Abutbol theme song
  3. No more election litter

Among other things I've noticed that the politics here, are way different than the US.

For starters, in the US, who gets elected to the city council doesn't really change the city that much. Your guy or some other, they are still going to get the basics done.

Here, it can make the difference of who is going to get a school building. I had a real negius to vote for one party, since the menahel of our school is there #2 guy. That means, he gets in, we probably will get a school (I wasn't worried about him getting elected though).

The gedolim appear to be used greatly in the elections. If you don't vote this way, like the gedolim say, you're going to gehinom, or you're a toavah, take your pick. On top of that, one party had brought one of the biggest gedolim in the country to come down to our city and "electioneer" for them, I mean, why waste his time to bring him down here, I'm sure he has better things to do than worry about the politics of Beit Shemesh. I'm not c"v knocking him, as I'm sure he was doing what he thought was best, but the people responsible, who got him to come down, it's not as if he is some big shot politician, who you want to bring down to get his endorsement. You want his endorsement, you go to him, don't bring him down here to get him dirty c"v.

Any, I'm happy they are over. we'll see who wins shortly...

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