Sunday, August 17, 2008

Not to Complain & Ice Cream

After reading this post from Jameel What is a JBlogger?, I realized it could have been construed that I was kvetching a bit in my previous post. However, I didn't feel that I was kvetching so much as bringing to light the metzius of the situation I was in.

In light of this, I thought I would at least bring a positive situation we have here in regards to our grocery stores and makolets. And that would be two words.

Ice Cream.

They have the most amazing array of ice creams in this country. Coming from someone who keeps chalav yisroel, in the states it's pretty hard to find anything that spectacular. I mean you have Kliens with their most daring of flavours - Cookies and Cream - oooh.

But here, it's just incredible what they have. I know my wife is planning on writting something about ice cream, as I believe that is one of her primary foods (which if I'm not mistaken, she put some clause about ice cream in the kesuvah), I'll let her get more in depth on this issue.