Sunday, August 31, 2008

Am I now a real oleh?

My mother has just been here for the past week. It was great while she was out here. She got to spend some time with her grandchildren. I got to catch up on some family goings ons in person. The kind of stuff you can't really get through on the phone. We also got to take some trips with the children.

All in all it was a great visit.

So this past motzei shabbos I drove her to the airport, and we got to talk for a bit, saying our good byes.

Now, I'm not that emotional of a person. Particularly when it comes to goodbyes (be it b/c I'm a guy, or I'm just cold hearted) I don't get worked up. I have no problems with the good byes in the airport.

So I was a bit surprised when I had a bit of a strange feeling as I was walking out of the airport. It was one of here is my home. I'm escorting my mother out of my home as she goes back to hers. And this is my home. Be it Ben Gurion airport, or the winding river like roads of Ramat Beit Shemesh. I'm home. I go to Ben Gurion to pick people up or escort them home. I don't go there anymore to say goodbye to Eretz Yisroel.

I'm finally home.


Rafi G. said...

welcome home

Eliezer said...

Thanks Rafi, it's goods to be here

the sabra said...

I've got goosebumps.