Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tiyul Time!

Yesterday after school, we all piled into the car to go on our somewhat religious Sunday tiyul. Being that my work load is lighter on Sunday, we have the liberty of going out and getting back in before I have to hit the keyboard.

To tell the truth, the only reason we went on this tiyul was to find a book for Sarah. Being that she is going to be home all day with the kids, and not even fasting, she wanted to read something that would get her into the Tisha B'Av spirits, that would also hold her interest. We heard about a new book called "On my Walls Jerusalem" and decided to get it. Since our local bookstore didn't carry it, we figured it's a good excuse to go to Jerusalem.

So, where was I, ah yes. We all piled into the car and drove off into the mid afternoon sun.

Wait a second, I forgot to tell you where we headed off.

We first thought about going to the Biblical zoo, but passed on that as we thought in might not be purely in the spirit of the 9 days. I then recalled the mini model of the old city from the time of the 2nd temple. Ah, that seems like a god idea for the 9 days - to see what we've lost.

So, into the car we piled, and driving off into the mid afternoon sun, we arrived at the Israel Museum. Lucky for us, someone donated some money to the museum, and we saved on the kids admission!

We got in and headed straight for the model. It was incredible. The detail that the builders put into it was amazing.

We wandered around the model for a while, headed over to the Dead Sea Scrolls, and left b/c the kind security guards told us we had to leave.

From there we headed out to Geula to find the sefer/book Sarah was looking for, and hit the jackpot on only our second seforim store. Next we obligingly headed out to Uri's pizza where I got yelled at b/c RM decided to start wandering off almost into the street of Malchei Yisroel. B"H he was fine.

We then piled back into the car and headed home.

Thankfully no one puked on the ride back :o)


Rafi G. said...

no one puking is always the highlight of our trips!!!

Eliezer said...

We've had past incidents where my wife has sternly declared that we will not take a car ride anywhere again.!

Anonymous said...

Puking is part and parcel of tiyulim. Someone has to do it - makes the trip more interesting. At least there was no fighting and noone was left behind.